As part of the activities to mark the 2017 Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Malta Stock Exchange will be organizing a collective art exhibition starting in early March. The exhibition will be held at the Exchange premises in the Garrison Chapel, Castille Square, Valletta.

This year’s thematic art exhibition investigates notions of connectivity. We are connected as workers, citizens and consumers and during leisure. From participating in the Maltese squares’ way of life to the notion of the networked-self, everyone and everything relates to everything else, as everything is connected in one way or the other. Connectivity could be obvious and bold but could also be defiantly subtle. The concerns in this theme are not instruments and infrastructures but acknowledging the phenomena of what networks say about us and about how connectivity has captured our life and imagination.

Visual artists based in Malta wishing to participate in this unique event are invited to submit work related to the theme of ‘connectivity’. For further details on applications and terms and conditions see below.

For any updates please refer to the Malta Stock Exchange website:

For any further queries contact the artist curator Mr. Adrian Scicluna on Applications are to be sent to


ELIGIBILITY: Artists of any age and at any stage of their careers.

EXHIBITION DATES: To be announced.

IMAGE SUBMISSION: All media is accepted – including but not limited to, painting, photography, sculpture, video, and all two-dimensional and three-dimensional work, installation, new-media and any non-traditional media.


  • Contact details;
  • Up to 6 JPEGS of different works you intend to include in the show. JPEGS must be labelled as follows: artist_title-of-work_media_size-in-cm_year.jpg. Each image is to be no larger than 1Mb.
  • 300 words maximum on how your work relates to the theme.
  • Sketches of proposed site-specific installations or other artwork that you intend to produce may also be included to support your application.
  • In the case of site-specific work it is important to give an estimation of required time for completion of installation. The Malta Stock Exchange may offer time slots for such works that would need to be agreed upon.
  • Please read ‘terms and conditions’ provided on the website below and send a signed copy together with your application.


VIDEO SUBMISSIONS: Artists working in video or time-based media can submit up to 4 video stills, accompanied by a maximum of 2 unique videos edited to a maximum preview runtime of 1 minute. (Please indicate the full runtime of your video in the description of your work.) Videos must be uploaded ideally to a password-free hosting site such as Vimeo or YouTube. Please provide the link and password (if applicable) in the description of your work. There is no need for the submission of DVDs at this stage.


DEADLINE: The application will close at midnight (local time) 15th February 2017.

Applicants will be informed from email provided in application by 20th February. Successful artist will have till end February to complete their proposed works. Results will be sent by email to each applicant. However, in certain instances spam filters, inbox limitations, and incorrect emails provided during your application process may mean that you may not receive pertinent information. Therefore, we recommend checking the Malta Stock Exchange site regularly for updates.

DELIVERY: Delivery dates to be announced to artists once selected.


(for selected artists)

All works are to remain installed at the venue for the duration of the exhibition.

In the case of art projects and site-specific installations artists are to bring their own assistants for completion of installation.

Selected artists must adhere to the time frame provided for delivery (to be announced)

Artists must plan their own delivery unless otherwise stated.

In the case of any work to be installed by artists themselves (e.g. site-specific installation art), they must adhere to the time frame provided by the Malta Stock Exchange. Artist must give an approximation of time required for completion of their site-specific artworks.

Any works that require hanging need to include the attachments.

The exhibition will be open to the public. All attempts will be made for the care of art works by the MSE. However the Art Curator and the Malta Stock Exchange will not be held responsible for any damages that may be incurred on the artwork/s. The works remain the responsibility of the artists during the running of the exhibition.

Artists are to take care of insurance of their own art works being displayed at the Malta Stock Exchange.

Artists are to inform the Malta Stock Exchange whether the works are for sale, if so they are to provide the price of the works; which will be displayed to the general public.

All artists are to provide high-resolution images of their works - including photographers. The Malta Stock Exchange shall retain the right to make use of submitted project material and images of high-resolution images for non-commercial purposes, in relation to marketing and promotional efforts related to the Malta Stock Exchange Art Exhibition 2017.

If an artist does not abide by the above terms and conditions the art curator and the Malta Stock Exchange reserve the right to disqualify that selected artist in question from participation and all work removed.